Alas, I miss Dieter
Some Dieter quotes:
"Vhy is it that the truly brilliant are doomed to a life of obscurity, surrounded by a sea of mediocrity, only to end up covered in sores in a pool of their own filth? Oh vell, the beat goes on."
"Vould you like to touch my monkey? Touch him! Love him! Liebe meine abst-monkey."
"Gregor Was, your presence intimidates me to the point of humiliation. Would you care to strike me?"
"Genius! By seemingly embracing the cliches of the vest, he is underscoring its excruciating banality."
"In your film Irritant Number Four, the only images were that of a baby's head and a toilet. Did you mean for me to scream?"
"I'm happy as a little GIIIIIRL."
"You plug your show with the subtilty of a flying mallet."
"Your agony is gorgeous."
"Textures intrigue me."
"Your story has become tiresome."
"A fat man and a shprinkler are soon together."----Old Bavarian adage
"Yes, Ve are doomed and I am filled with remorse, and it is most delicious."
"Sadly, Klaus is limited. But he is beautiful, is he not?"
At Dieter's Dance Party , in response to a record being rated -3 on a scale of 1 to 14, Dieter says, "Sadly, there are no integers on this scale, so your gangly adolescent attempt to be clever has
proved futile."
"You are beautiful and angular."
"You disturb me to the point of insanity. There. I am insane now."
"Now is the time on Sprockets vhen ve dance."
Sprockets guests
Butch Patrick as Eddie Munster
Heike Mueller, critic for the German magazine Spielkunst and Dieter's lover
Gregor Was, the brilliant countercultural filmmaker and supressed visionary whose films include The Dead Coat, Irritant Number Four, and Here Child, Finish Your Nothing
Veronika Goethe, film actress
Jimmy Stewart
Etien, choreographer whose dances include the "Parsnip" and the "Trout Dance"
Songs from Dieter's Dance Party
"Weird Nun" by Schreibmaschin
"Darwin's Burden" by the Obelisks
"Escapade" by Janet Jackson